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To describe the development, use, and psychometric properties of the semistructured, symptom-oriented Interview Schedule for Children and Adolescents (ISCA) and its versions suitable for reevaluation.Data are summarized on the reliability, construct validity, and predictive validity of symptom ratings and resultant diagnoses, and information regarding the feasibility of a version of the ISCA for young adult subjects is presented.The evidence suggests that these instruments yield reliable symptom ratings and diagnoses relevant to a wide range of syndromes and diagnoses over time and that the ISCA is useful with psychiatric and pediatric medical populations.The ISCA and its follow-up versions are useful clinical tools in research focusing on developmental psychopathology.

作者:J T, Sherrill;M, Kovacs

来源:Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2000 年 39卷 1期




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J T, Sherrill;M, Kovacs
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2000 年 39卷 1期
To describe the development, use, and psychometric properties of the semistructured, symptom-oriented Interview Schedule for Children and Adolescents (ISCA) and its versions suitable for reevaluation.Data are summarized on the reliability, construct validity, and predictive validity of symptom ratings and resultant diagnoses, and information regarding the feasibility of a version of the ISCA for young adult subjects is presented.The evidence suggests that these instruments yield reliable symptom ratings and diagnoses relevant to a wide range of syndromes and diagnoses over time and that the ISCA is useful with psychiatric and pediatric medical populations.The ISCA and its follow-up versions are useful clinical tools in research focusing on developmental psychopathology.