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This paper aims to explore the early experiences of a new primary care organisation in the NHS. It reports the findings of a longitudinal qualitative case study of one primary care group in its first year of operation. It concludes and makes recommendations in four key areas relevant to the development of the primary care group: the experiences of individuals and their readiness for change; clarity and consensus about roles and responsibilities in the new organisation; the process of change, and the impact of culture/power structures; and developing relationships with internal and external stakeholders.

作者:Steve, Willcocks

来源:Journal of health organization and management 2003 年 17卷 3期




| 浏览:83
Steve, Willcocks
Journal of health organization and management 2003 年 17卷 3期
This paper aims to explore the early experiences of a new primary care organisation in the NHS. It reports the findings of a longitudinal qualitative case study of one primary care group in its first year of operation. It concludes and makes recommendations in four key areas relevant to the development of the primary care group: the experiences of individuals and their readiness for change; clarity and consensus about roles and responsibilities in the new organisation; the process of change, and the impact of culture/power structures; and developing relationships with internal and external stakeholders.