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To evaluate the incidence of surgical site infections (SSI), as related to risk factors, in patients undergoing lung resections (LR).We evaluated 988 consecutive patients prospectively who underwent LR between 1996 and 2005 at the Center for Thoracic Surgery of the University of Insubria, Varese, Italy. Patients were divided into four groups: Pneumonectomy (n=104), lobectomy/bi-lobectomy (n=438), wedge resection by thoracotomy (n=155), and wedge resection by video-thoracoscopy (VATS) (n=291). The recorded risk factors for SSI were hemoglobin concentration, serum albumin concentration, lymphocyte count, percentage of predicted forced expiratory volume in 1 sec (FEV1), duration of surgery, blood transfusion, age>70 years, and comorbidity. The postoperative SSIs (superficial and deep incisional SSI, pneumonia, empyema) were recorded in they occurred within 30 days, and the final outcome was recorded.Postoperative infections were found in 141 patients (14.3

作者:Andrea, Imperatori;Francesca, Rovera;Nicola, Rotolo;Elisa, Nardecchia;Valentina, Conti;Lorenzo, Dominioni

来源:Surgical infections 2006 年 7 Suppl 2卷




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Andrea, Imperatori;Francesca, Rovera;Nicola, Rotolo;Elisa, Nardecchia;Valentina, Conti;Lorenzo, Dominioni
Surgical infections 2006 年 7 Suppl 2卷
To evaluate the incidence of surgical site infections (SSI), as related to risk factors, in patients undergoing lung resections (LR).We evaluated 988 consecutive patients prospectively who underwent LR between 1996 and 2005 at the Center for Thoracic Surgery of the University of Insubria, Varese, Italy. Patients were divided into four groups: Pneumonectomy (n=104), lobectomy/bi-lobectomy (n=438), wedge resection by thoracotomy (n=155), and wedge resection by video-thoracoscopy (VATS) (n=291). The recorded risk factors for SSI were hemoglobin concentration, serum albumin concentration, lymphocyte count, percentage of predicted forced expiratory volume in 1 sec (FEV1), duration of surgery, blood transfusion, age>70 years, and comorbidity. The postoperative SSIs (superficial and deep incisional SSI, pneumonia, empyema) were recorded in they occurred within 30 days, and the final outcome was recorded.Postoperative infections were found in 141 patients (14.3