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The presence of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) from mono to hepta brominated and 11 hydroxylated (OH-) and methoxylated (MeO-) PBDEs was examined in 37 breast milk samples collected from 11 mothers living in Barcelona. An extraction method based on accelerated solvent extraction followed by gas chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry was used to inequivocally identify all target compounds at the low pg g(-1) lw level. Data obtained were examined for absolute and relative concentrations and specific PBDE, OH- and MeO-PBDE congener patterns. Sigma PBDE concentration ranged between 1,161 and 1,372,797 pg g(-1) lw and BDEs 47, 99, 100, 153 and 183 accounted for more than 80

作者:Silvia, Lacorte;Michael G, Ikonomou

来源:Chemosphere 2009 年 74卷 3期




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Silvia, Lacorte;Michael G, Ikonomou
Chemosphere 2009 年 74卷 3期
The presence of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) from mono to hepta brominated and 11 hydroxylated (OH-) and methoxylated (MeO-) PBDEs was examined in 37 breast milk samples collected from 11 mothers living in Barcelona. An extraction method based on accelerated solvent extraction followed by gas chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry was used to inequivocally identify all target compounds at the low pg g(-1) lw level. Data obtained were examined for absolute and relative concentrations and specific PBDE, OH- and MeO-PBDE congener patterns. Sigma PBDE concentration ranged between 1,161 and 1,372,797 pg g(-1) lw and BDEs 47, 99, 100, 153 and 183 accounted for more than 80