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Intractable incontinence affects a large number of children and young adults in the US. The goal of this study is to evaluate the long-term outcomes of surgical access for administration of antegrade continence enemas (ACE) in affected children and young adults.Patients who underwent surgical procedure to enable administration of ACE from 1994 to 2011 were retrospectively reviewed. Data collected included patient demographics, primary diagnosis, surgical technique, conduit used, complications, follow-up duration, and social continence.Sixty eighty patients underwent surgery to enable ACE; mean follow up was 61 months. Enteral conduit (EC) was performed in 19 patients, tube cecostomy catheters (CC) in 49. Meningomyelocele was diagnosed in 60

作者:Maen M, Masadeh;Michael, Krein;Joshua, Peterson;Molly, Bauer;Laura, Phearman;Graeme, Pitcher;Junlin, Liao;Joel, Shilyansky

来源:Journal of pediatric surgery 2013 年 48卷 10期




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Maen M, Masadeh;Michael, Krein;Joshua, Peterson;Molly, Bauer;Laura, Phearman;Graeme, Pitcher;Junlin, Liao;Joel, Shilyansky
Journal of pediatric surgery 2013 年 48卷 10期
Anorectal malformation Antegrade continent enema Cecostomy Incontinence Meningomyelocele
Intractable incontinence affects a large number of children and young adults in the US. The goal of this study is to evaluate the long-term outcomes of surgical access for administration of antegrade continence enemas (ACE) in affected children and young adults.Patients who underwent surgical procedure to enable administration of ACE from 1994 to 2011 were retrospectively reviewed. Data collected included patient demographics, primary diagnosis, surgical technique, conduit used, complications, follow-up duration, and social continence.Sixty eighty patients underwent surgery to enable ACE; mean follow up was 61 months. Enteral conduit (EC) was performed in 19 patients, tube cecostomy catheters (CC) in 49. Meningomyelocele was diagnosed in 60