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Over the last five decades the association between coeliac disease and other autoimmune disorders such as autoimmune thyroid disease or diabetes mellitus type 1 has been well established through many studies and to this day is subject to on-going clinical and scientific investigation worldwide. While no link has been established between celiac disease and type-2 diabetes mellitus, coeliac disease is common in patients with type 1 diabetes. The improvement of symptoms in patients with both conditions through dietary intervention, in the form of a gluten free diet, has been widely described within the literature. Our objectives were to review and synthesise the current knowledge on the nutritional treatment for patients with both conditions.

作者:Sabine, Hogg-Kollars;David, Al Dulaimi;Karen, Tait;Kamran, Rostami

来源:Gastroenterology and hepatology from bed to bench 2014 年 7卷 4期




| 浏览:19
Sabine, Hogg-Kollars;David, Al Dulaimi;Karen, Tait;Kamran, Rostami
Gastroenterology and hepatology from bed to bench 2014 年 7卷 4期
Coeliac disease Genes Gluten free diet Malabsorption Type 1 diabetes mellitus
Over the last five decades the association between coeliac disease and other autoimmune disorders such as autoimmune thyroid disease or diabetes mellitus type 1 has been well established through many studies and to this day is subject to on-going clinical and scientific investigation worldwide. While no link has been established between celiac disease and type-2 diabetes mellitus, coeliac disease is common in patients with type 1 diabetes. The improvement of symptoms in patients with both conditions through dietary intervention, in the form of a gluten free diet, has been widely described within the literature. Our objectives were to review and synthesise the current knowledge on the nutritional treatment for patients with both conditions.