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Pediatric peritonsillar abscess (PTA) is a common infection, particularly in the adolescent population. Physical examination alone is not always sufficient to diagnose this pathology, and thus, computed tomography is often utilized as a diagnostic adjunct. With growing concern over radiation exposure in the pediatric population, we conducted a prospective study to investigate the use of ultrasonography in the detection of pediatric PTA.Prospective single arm cohort study.Pediatric patients examined in consultation for concern for PTA were prospectively enrolled in the study. Patients were managed based on clinical symptoms and presentation. Transcervical ultrasonography of the peritonsillar region was performed on all patients. Clinical outcomes were reviewed retrospectively and compared to ultrasound findings.Forty-three patients (age range, 2-20 years) were enrolled in the study. The sensitivity and specificity of transcervical ultrasound when compared to clinical outcomes were 100

作者:M Taylor, Fordham;Alex N, Rock;Anjum, Bandarkar;Diego, Preciado;Michelle, Levy;Joanna, Cohen;Nabile, Safdar;Brian K, Reilly

来源:The Laryngoscope 2015 年 125卷 12期




| 浏览:51
M Taylor, Fordham;Alex N, Rock;Anjum, Bandarkar;Diego, Preciado;Michelle, Levy;Joanna, Cohen;Nabile, Safdar;Brian K, Reilly
The Laryngoscope 2015 年 125卷 12期
Pediatric peritonsillar abscess pediatric head and neck infection transcervical ultrasound
Pediatric peritonsillar abscess (PTA) is a common infection, particularly in the adolescent population. Physical examination alone is not always sufficient to diagnose this pathology, and thus, computed tomography is often utilized as a diagnostic adjunct. With growing concern over radiation exposure in the pediatric population, we conducted a prospective study to investigate the use of ultrasonography in the detection of pediatric PTA.Prospective single arm cohort study.Pediatric patients examined in consultation for concern for PTA were prospectively enrolled in the study. Patients were managed based on clinical symptoms and presentation. Transcervical ultrasonography of the peritonsillar region was performed on all patients. Clinical outcomes were reviewed retrospectively and compared to ultrasound findings.Forty-three patients (age range, 2-20 years) were enrolled in the study. The sensitivity and specificity of transcervical ultrasound when compared to clinical outcomes were 100