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To assess the impact of initiation of asenapine on "real-world" levels of utilization and cost of healthcare services for the treatment of bipolar I disorder (BPD) in the US.Using two large US healthcare claims databases that collectively included commercially insured patients aged < 65 years and Medicare enrollees, this study identified all adults (≥ 18 years) with evidence of BPD who began therapy with asenapine between 2009-2012. The date of the earliest claim for asenapine during this period was deemed the 'index date', and patients without continuous enrollment for the 6-month periods before and after this date were excluded ('pre-index' and 'post-index', respectively). Healthcare claims with a BPD diagnosis, plus psychiatric medications and the costs thereof (2012 dollars) were deemed 'BPD-related'. Differences in BPD-related utilization and cost of healthcare services were compared between the pre- and post-index periods.A total of 1403 patients met all selection criteria; the mean age was 42.8 years and 70.6

作者:Abhishek, Chitnis;Rosa, Wang;Shawn X, Sun;Shailja, Dixit;Alie, Tawah;Luke, Boulanger

来源:Journal of medical economics 2015 年 18卷 11期




| 浏览:34
Abhishek, Chitnis;Rosa, Wang;Shawn X, Sun;Shailja, Dixit;Alie, Tawah;Luke, Boulanger
Journal of medical economics 2015 年 18卷 11期
Asenapine Bipolar I disorder Healthcare cost Healthcare utilization
To assess the impact of initiation of asenapine on "real-world" levels of utilization and cost of healthcare services for the treatment of bipolar I disorder (BPD) in the US.Using two large US healthcare claims databases that collectively included commercially insured patients aged < 65 years and Medicare enrollees, this study identified all adults (≥ 18 years) with evidence of BPD who began therapy with asenapine between 2009-2012. The date of the earliest claim for asenapine during this period was deemed the 'index date', and patients without continuous enrollment for the 6-month periods before and after this date were excluded ('pre-index' and 'post-index', respectively). Healthcare claims with a BPD diagnosis, plus psychiatric medications and the costs thereof (2012 dollars) were deemed 'BPD-related'. Differences in BPD-related utilization and cost of healthcare services were compared between the pre- and post-index periods.A total of 1403 patients met all selection criteria; the mean age was 42.8 years and 70.6