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Since the "2007 summary report of child and adolescent overweight and obesity treatment" published by Barlow, many obesity intervention studies have been conducted in pediatric ambulatory care. Although several meta-analyses have been published in the interim, many studies were excluded because of the focus and criteria of these meta-analyses. Therefore, the primary goal of this article was to identify randomized case-control trials conducted in the primary care setting and to report on treatment approaches, challenges, and successes. We have developed four themes for our discussion and provide a brief summary of our findings. Finally, we identified major gaps and potential solutions and describe several urgent key action items.

作者:Carine M, Lenders;Aaron J, Manders;Joanna E, Perdomo;Kathy A, Ireland;Sarah E, Barlow

来源:Current obesity reports 2016 年 5卷 2期




| 浏览:30
Carine M, Lenders;Aaron J, Manders;Joanna E, Perdomo;Kathy A, Ireland;Sarah E, Barlow
Current obesity reports 2016 年 5卷 2期
Adolescents Obesity Pediatrics Randomized case–control studies Review Weight management
Since the "2007 summary report of child and adolescent overweight and obesity treatment" published by Barlow, many obesity intervention studies have been conducted in pediatric ambulatory care. Although several meta-analyses have been published in the interim, many studies were excluded because of the focus and criteria of these meta-analyses. Therefore, the primary goal of this article was to identify randomized case-control trials conducted in the primary care setting and to report on treatment approaches, challenges, and successes. We have developed four themes for our discussion and provide a brief summary of our findings. Finally, we identified major gaps and potential solutions and describe several urgent key action items.