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Tendon injuries are a noteworthy morbidity but at present there are few effective scientifically proven treatments. In recent decades, a number of new strategies including tissue engineering with mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been proposed to enhance tendon healing. Although MSCs are an interesting and promising approach, many questions regarding their use in tendon repair remain unanswered. This descriptive overview of the literature of the last decade explores the in vivo studies on tendon healing, in small and large animal models, which used MSCs harvested from different tissues, and the state of the art in clinical applications. It was observed that there are still doubts about the optimum amount of MSCs to use and their source and the type of scaffolds to deliver the cells. Thus, further studies are needed to determine the best protocol for MSC use in tendon healing. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

作者:Francesca, Veronesi;Francesca, Salamanna;Matilde, Tschon;Melania, Maglio;Nicolo, Nicoli Aldini;Milena, Fini

来源:Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine 2016 年




| 浏览:39
Francesca, Veronesi;Francesca, Salamanna;Matilde, Tschon;Melania, Maglio;Nicolo, Nicoli Aldini;Milena, Fini
Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine 2016 年
animal models clinical trials mesenchymal stem cells regenerative medicine tendon injuries tissue engineering
Tendon injuries are a noteworthy morbidity but at present there are few effective scientifically proven treatments. In recent decades, a number of new strategies including tissue engineering with mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been proposed to enhance tendon healing. Although MSCs are an interesting and promising approach, many questions regarding their use in tendon repair remain unanswered. This descriptive overview of the literature of the last decade explores the in vivo studies on tendon healing, in small and large animal models, which used MSCs harvested from different tissues, and the state of the art in clinical applications. It was observed that there are still doubts about the optimum amount of MSCs to use and their source and the type of scaffolds to deliver the cells. Thus, further studies are needed to determine the best protocol for MSC use in tendon healing. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.