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We report on our preliminary results in the realization and characterization of a porous silicon (PSi) resonant mirror (RM) for optical biosensing. We have numerically and experimentally studied the coupling between the electromagnetic field, totally reflected at the base of a high refractive index prism, and the optical modes of a PSi waveguide. This configuration is very sensitive to changes in the refractive index and/or in thickness of the sensor surface. Due to the high specific area of the PSi waveguide, very low DNA concentrations can be detected confirming that the RM could be a very sensitive and labelfree optical biosensor.

作者:Edoardo, De Tommasi;Luca, De Stefano;Ilaria, Rea;Valentina, Di Sarno;Lucia, Rotiroti;Paolo, Arcari;Annalisa, Lamberti;Carmen, Sanges;Ivo, Rendina

来源:Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 2008 年 8卷 10期




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Edoardo, De Tommasi;Luca, De Stefano;Ilaria, Rea;Valentina, Di Sarno;Lucia, Rotiroti;Paolo, Arcari;Annalisa, Lamberti;Carmen, Sanges;Ivo, Rendina
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 2008 年 8卷 10期
DNA Optical Biosensors Porous Silicon Resonant Mirrors
We report on our preliminary results in the realization and characterization of a porous silicon (PSi) resonant mirror (RM) for optical biosensing. We have numerically and experimentally studied the coupling between the electromagnetic field, totally reflected at the base of a high refractive index prism, and the optical modes of a PSi waveguide. This configuration is very sensitive to changes in the refractive index and/or in thickness of the sensor surface. Due to the high specific area of the PSi waveguide, very low DNA concentrations can be detected confirming that the RM could be a very sensitive and labelfree optical biosensor.