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The development of a patient-reported outcome measure (PROM) for polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR), a condition that causes pain, stiffness and disability, is necessary as there is no current validated disease-specific measure. Initial literature synthesis and qualitative research established a conceptual framework for the condition along with a list of symptoms and effects of PMR that patients felt were important to them. These findings were used to derive the candidate items for a patient-completed questionnaire. We aim to establish the face validity of this initial "long form" of a PROM.People with a current or previous diagnosis of PMR were recruited both from the community and from rheumatology clinics. They were asked to complete the PMR questionnaire along with the QQ-10 questionnaire, which is a measure used to assess the face validity, feasibility and utility of patient healthcare questionnaires.A total of 28 participants with an age range of 59-85 years and a length of time since diagnosis from 4 months to 18 years completed the QQ-10. The overall mean "value" score was 79

作者:Helen, Twohig;Georgina, Jones;Sarah, Mackie;Christian, Mallen;Caroline, Mitchell

来源:Pilot and feasibility studies 2018 年 4卷




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Helen, Twohig;Georgina, Jones;Sarah, Mackie;Christian, Mallen;Caroline, Mitchell
Pilot and feasibility studies 2018 年 4卷
Outcomes research Patient perspective Patient-reported outcome measures Polymyalgia rheumatica Questionnaire validity and utility assessment
The development of a patient-reported outcome measure (PROM) for polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR), a condition that causes pain, stiffness and disability, is necessary as there is no current validated disease-specific measure. Initial literature synthesis and qualitative research established a conceptual framework for the condition along with a list of symptoms and effects of PMR that patients felt were important to them. These findings were used to derive the candidate items for a patient-completed questionnaire. We aim to establish the face validity of this initial "long form" of a PROM.People with a current or previous diagnosis of PMR were recruited both from the community and from rheumatology clinics. They were asked to complete the PMR questionnaire along with the QQ-10 questionnaire, which is a measure used to assess the face validity, feasibility and utility of patient healthcare questionnaires.A total of 28 participants with an age range of 59-85 years and a length of time since diagnosis from 4 months to 18 years completed the QQ-10. The overall mean "value" score was 79