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Objective: To calibrate a Quantitative Ultrasonography (QUS) system against densitometry by defining the sensitivity and specificity of the method, and to propose a series of QUS interpretation thresholds to classify the individual risk with regards to the risk of developing osteoporosis in later life. Methods: Subjects were recruited in New York City over a 1-year period. Women with amenorrhea for at least 12 months were defined as postmenopausal, and all other women as premenopausal. Bone mineral density (BMD) was measured with a dual energy X-ray absorptiometer (DXA) and QUS performed with the calcaneus of broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA) and speed of sound (SOS) using the Lunar Achilles system. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software Version 10.0. Results: Two hundred twenty-eight premenopausal and menopausal women were recruited. Most of the participants were Hispanic, Caucasian and African-American in this study. All the subjects had DXA and QUS examined and T-score was got from b

来源:生殖医学杂志 2005 年 14卷 z1期




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生殖医学杂志 2005 年 14卷 z1期
Osteoporosis Quantitative ultrasonography system(QUS) Speed of sound (SOS)
Objective: To calibrate a Quantitative Ultrasonography (QUS) system against densitometry by defining the sensitivity and specificity of the method, and to propose a series of QUS interpretation thresholds to classify the individual risk with regards to the risk of developing osteoporosis in later life. Methods: Subjects were recruited in New York City over a 1-year period. Women with amenorrhea for at least 12 months were defined as postmenopausal, and all other women as premenopausal. Bone mineral density (BMD) was measured with a dual energy X-ray absorptiometer (DXA) and QUS performed with the calcaneus of broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA) and speed of sound (SOS) using the Lunar Achilles system. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software Version 10.0. Results: Two hundred twenty-eight premenopausal and menopausal women were recruited. Most of the participants were Hispanic, Caucasian and African-American in this study. All the subjects had DXA and QUS examined and T-score was got from b