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Recently radiofrequency ablaion(RFA)has been widely used for treating liver cancer,as it has the advantages of easy manipulation,safe,effective and causes only minor injury to the liver.RFA is suitable for patients with single and small hepatocellular carcinoma,in Child A or Child B classification,and without extrahepatie metastasis.Severe extrahepatic metastasis,such as tumor thrombus in the main portal vein,the main branch of portal vein and the hepatic vein are the contraindications of RFA.RFA is approached either via laparoscopy,celiotomy,or by ultrasound.The choice of procedure should be based on the tumor size and location,as well as the condition of blood supply.For tumor with the diameter≤3.0 cm,the efficacy of RFA is similar to that of hepatectomy.The common postoperative complications include intestinal perforation,abdominal hemorrhage,infection and needle tract seeding.Selecting the correct procedure according to the condition of the patient.correct manipulation,formalized therapeutic strategies


来源:中华消化外科杂志 2009 年 8卷 1期




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中华消化外科杂志 2009 年 8卷 1期
肝肿瘤 外科手术 微创性 导管消融术 射频 Liver neoplasms Surgical procedures minimally invasive Catheter ablation radiofrequency
Recently radiofrequency ablaion(RFA)has been widely used for treating liver cancer,as it has the advantages of easy manipulation,safe,effective and causes only minor injury to the liver.RFA is suitable for patients with single and small hepatocellular carcinoma,in Child A or Child B classification,and without extrahepatie metastasis.Severe extrahepatic metastasis,such as tumor thrombus in the main portal vein,the main branch of portal vein and the hepatic vein are the contraindications of RFA.RFA is approached either via laparoscopy,celiotomy,or by ultrasound.The choice of procedure should be based on the tumor size and location,as well as the condition of blood supply.For tumor with the diameter≤3.0 cm,the efficacy of RFA is similar to that of hepatectomy.The common postoperative complications include intestinal perforation,abdominal hemorrhage,infection and needle tract seeding.Selecting the correct procedure according to the condition of the patient.correct manipulation,formalized therapeutic strategies