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Intramedullary hemorrhage, loss of blood spinal cord barrier integrity, perilesional ischemia, microvascular damage and subtle structural changes happen after spinal cord injury, but a safe and effective imaging examination technology to discover series of microstructural changes after the trauma of the spinal cord is lacking. Traditional imaging techniques can effectively determine the level and range of bone and ligament damage in patients with spinal cord injury. However, regarding to the ifne structure of the spinal cord, it can only provide insufifcient information. To some extent, it promotes the development of new imaging technology on the spinal ifne structure and biochemical functions. But the development levels are not identical, some are still in the laboratory, and some are applied to the clinical diagnosis and treatment. In this paper, the application of traditional imaging technology in the old spinal cord injury, the application of new imaging technology in the diagnosis of spinal cord, curat


来源:中国骨与关节杂志 2016 年 5卷 8期




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中国骨与关节杂志 2016 年 5卷 8期
脊髓损伤 磁共振成像 弥散张量成像 超声检查 Spinal cord injuries Magnetic resonance imaging Diffusion tensor imaging Ultrasonography
Intramedullary hemorrhage, loss of blood spinal cord barrier integrity, perilesional ischemia, microvascular damage and subtle structural changes happen after spinal cord injury, but a safe and effective imaging examination technology to discover series of microstructural changes after the trauma of the spinal cord is lacking. Traditional imaging techniques can effectively determine the level and range of bone and ligament damage in patients with spinal cord injury. However, regarding to the ifne structure of the spinal cord, it can only provide insufifcient information. To some extent, it promotes the development of new imaging technology on the spinal ifne structure and biochemical functions. But the development levels are not identical, some are still in the laboratory, and some are applied to the clinical diagnosis and treatment. In this paper, the application of traditional imaging technology in the old spinal cord injury, the application of new imaging technology in the diagnosis of spinal cord, curat