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Total hip arthroplasty is an effective way to alleviate hip pain and to reconstruct the joint function, which is widely used in the treatment of some diseases such as late hip arthritis, femoral head necrosis and rheumatoid arthritis. Hip instability is one of the most common complications of total hip arthroplasty, and is also an important indication for revision arthroplasty. Hip instability following total hip arthroplasty is associated with many factors, including patient risk factors, surgical factors and component factors. Patient risk factors for dislocation include age, gender, the history of hip surgery, neuromuscular and cognitive disorders. Surgical factors include surgical approach, component position and soft tissue repairing. Component factors include size of the femoral head and femoral offset. The treatment of instability can be especially complicated and tough. First episode of dislocation can be treated with closed reduction techniques in most cases. Recurrent instability should be surgica


来源:中国骨与关节杂志 2017 年 6卷 10期




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中国骨与关节杂志 2017 年 6卷 10期
髋脱位 关节成形术,置换,髋 矫形外科手术 髋关节 翻修手术 Hip dislocation Arthroplasty replacement hip Orthopedic procedures Hip joint Joint prosthesis revision
Total hip arthroplasty is an effective way to alleviate hip pain and to reconstruct the joint function, which is widely used in the treatment of some diseases such as late hip arthritis, femoral head necrosis and rheumatoid arthritis. Hip instability is one of the most common complications of total hip arthroplasty, and is also an important indication for revision arthroplasty. Hip instability following total hip arthroplasty is associated with many factors, including patient risk factors, surgical factors and component factors. Patient risk factors for dislocation include age, gender, the history of hip surgery, neuromuscular and cognitive disorders. Surgical factors include surgical approach, component position and soft tissue repairing. Component factors include size of the femoral head and femoral offset. The treatment of instability can be especially complicated and tough. First episode of dislocation can be treated with closed reduction techniques in most cases. Recurrent instability should be surgica