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Objective To present one case of acute pulmonary embolism with deep venous thrombosis after posterior lumbar interbody fusion. Methods A 65-year-old female with severe left leg and low back pain ( VAS score 7 ) for 2 years was hospitalized. Left straight leg raising test result and Lasegue sign were positive. MRI revealed L4-5herniation with nerve root compression. The left-side was more severe. The patient underwent L4-5single-level posterior lumbar interbody fusion ( PLIF ) to relieve symptoms. Results The patient got sudden severe dyspnea and chest pain especially lying on the left side on the fifth day after the surgery. CTPA + CTV revealed acute pulmonary embolism with deep venous thrombosis. Then the patient was given Nadroparin calcium 0.7ml every 12 hours subcutaneously. Nadroparin calcium injection was stopped 10 days postoperatively when the patient felt much better without any dyspnea or chest pain. The patient was discharged from the hospital after 1 week of grade-two nursing. CTPA and CTV were


来源:中国骨与关节杂志 2018 年 7卷 2期




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中国骨与关节杂志 2018 年 7卷 2期
腰椎 手术后并发症 肺栓塞 静脉血栓栓塞 Lumbar vertebrae Postoperative complications Pulmonary embolism Venous thromboembolism
Objective To present one case of acute pulmonary embolism with deep venous thrombosis after posterior lumbar interbody fusion. Methods A 65-year-old female with severe left leg and low back pain ( VAS score 7 ) for 2 years was hospitalized. Left straight leg raising test result and Lasegue sign were positive. MRI revealed L4-5herniation with nerve root compression. The left-side was more severe. The patient underwent L4-5single-level posterior lumbar interbody fusion ( PLIF ) to relieve symptoms. Results The patient got sudden severe dyspnea and chest pain especially lying on the left side on the fifth day after the surgery. CTPA + CTV revealed acute pulmonary embolism with deep venous thrombosis. Then the patient was given Nadroparin calcium 0.7ml every 12 hours subcutaneously. Nadroparin calcium injection was stopped 10 days postoperatively when the patient felt much better without any dyspnea or chest pain. The patient was discharged from the hospital after 1 week of grade-two nursing. CTPA and CTV were