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Cardiovascular complication has high morbidity and in-hospital mortality for hip fracture patients.Studies have shown that adverse cardiovascular event is one of the leading causes of increased risk of death in patients with hip fractures. So identification of patients at risk for postoperative cardiac event is crucial. Non-invasive assessment of perioperative cardiovascular event is currently costly and time consuming, while traditional preoperative assessment does not accurately predict cardiovascular complications. Perioperative brain natriuretic peptide ( N terminal pro B type natriuretic peptide, NT-proBNP), troponin T ( TnT), blood glucose, blood routine, etc. can predict cardiovascular risk and mortality. Therefore, accurate and rapid assessment of preoperative cardiovascular risk should be based on the optimization of surgical treatment. Early, minimally invasive procedure, strong internal fixation, reduced bed rest time, perioperative multi-disciplinary collaboration can reduce postoperative compli


来源:中国骨与关节杂志 2019 年 8卷 3期




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中国骨与关节杂志 2019 年 8卷 3期
髋部骨折 心脏并发症 老年 综述 Hip fractures Cardiac complications Elderly Review
Cardiovascular complication has high morbidity and in-hospital mortality for hip fracture patients.Studies have shown that adverse cardiovascular event is one of the leading causes of increased risk of death in patients with hip fractures. So identification of patients at risk for postoperative cardiac event is crucial. Non-invasive assessment of perioperative cardiovascular event is currently costly and time consuming, while traditional preoperative assessment does not accurately predict cardiovascular complications. Perioperative brain natriuretic peptide ( N terminal pro B type natriuretic peptide, NT-proBNP), troponin T ( TnT), blood glucose, blood routine, etc. can predict cardiovascular risk and mortality. Therefore, accurate and rapid assessment of preoperative cardiovascular risk should be based on the optimization of surgical treatment. Early, minimally invasive procedure, strong internal fixation, reduced bed rest time, perioperative multi-disciplinary collaboration can reduce postoperative compli