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This paper proposes a multifunctional fitness monitor based on FFT and photoelectric sensor, which uses pulse-type and non-invasive detection method to complete the analysis of the human blood oxygen saturation and heart rate. The system col ects the absorption of red and infrared light absorbed by fingertip, then by programmable gain amplifier and the Fast Fourier analysis, it extracts the amplitude, frequency of the AC signal. PIC24FJ128GA010 is used to complete the col ection, automatic gain judgment and signal processing. Final y, the result is calibrateed by pulse blood oxygen emulator. Furthermore, it realizes the pedometer function based on three axles acceleration sensors MMA7260, which enhances fitness monitor’s usability and al ows people to obtain dynamic physiological signs when exercising.


来源:中国医疗器械杂志 2013 年 1期




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中国医疗器械杂志 2013 年 1期
FFT 光电传感器 脉搏式无创血氧饱和度检测 可控增益放大 加速度传感器 FFT photoelectric sensor pulse-type and non-invasive detection acceleration sensors programmable gain amplifier
This paper proposes a multifunctional fitness monitor based on FFT and photoelectric sensor, which uses pulse-type and non-invasive detection method to complete the analysis of the human blood oxygen saturation and heart rate. The system col ects the absorption of red and infrared light absorbed by fingertip, then by programmable gain amplifier and the Fast Fourier analysis, it extracts the amplitude, frequency of the AC signal. PIC24FJ128GA010 is used to complete the col ection, automatic gain judgment and signal processing. Final y, the result is calibrateed by pulse blood oxygen emulator. Furthermore, it realizes the pedometer function based on three axles acceleration sensors MMA7260, which enhances fitness monitor’s usability and al ows people to obtain dynamic physiological signs when exercising.