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Burn infection occurs when pathogenic bacte-ria colonized on the burn wound surfate,and they then invaded the viable tissue causing sepsis or sepsis with blood stream inva-sion.This infection pattern is particular to burn injury.Both in a model of pseudomonas burn wound sepsis and a clinical study of early eschar excision for bacteria quantification indicate that the bacteria not only are located on the burn wound surface but also invaded the deeper tissues.Finally,the bacteria penetrate into the neighboring viable tissue and even blood ves-sels.Therefore,we can say that burn infection is from local wound infection to invasive infection.and finally sepsis is devel-oped,and it is termed as burn wound sepsis.The cutoff count of subeschar tissue bacteria is 105/g.However,the burn wound sepsis may not occur when the number of subeschar tissue bacteria reaches 105/g.The criteria for the diagnosis of burn wound sepsis are mainly listed as below:(1)The number of bacteria in the subes-char reaches≥105/g.(2)Bacteri


来源:中华烧伤杂志 2008 年 24卷 3期




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中华烧伤杂志 2008 年 24卷 3期
烧伤感染 烧伤创面脓毒症 侵袭性感染 Burn infection Burn wound sepsis Invasive infection
Burn infection occurs when pathogenic bacte-ria colonized on the burn wound surfate,and they then invaded the viable tissue causing sepsis or sepsis with blood stream inva-sion.This infection pattern is particular to burn injury.Both in a model of pseudomonas burn wound sepsis and a clinical study of early eschar excision for bacteria quantification indicate that the bacteria not only are located on the burn wound surface but also invaded the deeper tissues.Finally,the bacteria penetrate into the neighboring viable tissue and even blood ves-sels.Therefore,we can say that burn infection is from local wound infection to invasive infection.and finally sepsis is devel-oped,and it is termed as burn wound sepsis.The cutoff count of subeschar tissue bacteria is 105/g.However,the burn wound sepsis may not occur when the number of subeschar tissue bacteria reaches 105/g.The criteria for the diagnosis of burn wound sepsis are mainly listed as below:(1)The number of bacteria in the subes-char reaches≥105/g.(2)Bacteri