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Isehemia/hypoxia is one of the key clinical issues following severe burns, and isehemic/hypoxic damage of tissues and organs is still hard to be prevented or minimized by various fluid resuscitation regimens . To those who suffered severe bums, even though fluid replacement therapy is delivered promptly, isehemic/hypoxie damage of organs is still inevitable. Previously, blood flow in vital organs such as heart was eonsidered not to be reduced because of blood redistribution under the circumstance of stress. The postbum cardiac dysfunction has been mainly attributed to the reduced blood flow returned to the heart due to decreased blood volume caused by increased capillary permeability. Therefore, postbum cardiac dysfunction has been considered to be the result of burn shock. During the past two decades, we have performed serial studies on severe burns, and found that isehemie/hypoxie myocardial damage and functional impairment of myocardium due to activation of reninangio tensin system existing in the heart


来源:中华烧伤杂志 2008 年 24卷 5期




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中华烧伤杂志 2008 年 24卷 5期
烧伤 心肌 缺血 缺氧 防治 Burns Myoeardium Ischemia Hypoxia Prevention and treatment
Isehemia/hypoxia is one of the key clinical issues following severe burns, and isehemic/hypoxic damage of tissues and organs is still hard to be prevented or minimized by various fluid resuscitation regimens . To those who suffered severe bums, even though fluid replacement therapy is delivered promptly, isehemic/hypoxie damage of organs is still inevitable. Previously, blood flow in vital organs such as heart was eonsidered not to be reduced because of blood redistribution under the circumstance of stress. The postbum cardiac dysfunction has been mainly attributed to the reduced blood flow returned to the heart due to decreased blood volume caused by increased capillary permeability. Therefore, postbum cardiac dysfunction has been considered to be the result of burn shock. During the past two decades, we have performed serial studies on severe burns, and found that isehemie/hypoxie myocardial damage and functional impairment of myocardium due to activation of reninangio tensin system existing in the heart