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Tumor-induced osteomalacia ( TIO ) is a rare paraneoplastic syndrome resulting in renal phosphate wasting and decreased bone mineralization. Nonspeciifc symptoms including fatigue, bone pain, and musculoskeletal weakness make the diagnosis elusive and often lead to a delay in treatment. The prognosis of TIO is excellent following complete resection of the neoplasm, which leads to a rapid and complete reversal of all symptoms. If the tumor cannot be detected, treatment relies on supplementation with phosphate and active vitamin D compounds. We report a case of rib tumors presenting a long history of progressively worsening muscular pain and weakness, and limitation in the motion and function of multiple joints. To our knowledge, this is the ifrst case of rib tumor-related hypophosphatemic osteomalacia reported in the literature. Our aim is to make physicians realize that any patient with unexplained muscular weakness and pain must undergo workup for TIO, including serum phosphate measurement, as this is a ra


来源:中国骨与关节杂志 2015 年 11期




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中国骨与关节杂志 2015 年 11期
骨软化症 低磷血症 肋骨 肿瘤 Osteomalacia Hypophosphatemia Ribs Neoplasms
Tumor-induced osteomalacia ( TIO ) is a rare paraneoplastic syndrome resulting in renal phosphate wasting and decreased bone mineralization. Nonspeciifc symptoms including fatigue, bone pain, and musculoskeletal weakness make the diagnosis elusive and often lead to a delay in treatment. The prognosis of TIO is excellent following complete resection of the neoplasm, which leads to a rapid and complete reversal of all symptoms. If the tumor cannot be detected, treatment relies on supplementation with phosphate and active vitamin D compounds. We report a case of rib tumors presenting a long history of progressively worsening muscular pain and weakness, and limitation in the motion and function of multiple joints. To our knowledge, this is the ifrst case of rib tumor-related hypophosphatemic osteomalacia reported in the literature. Our aim is to make physicians realize that any patient with unexplained muscular weakness and pain must undergo workup for TIO, including serum phosphate measurement, as this is a ra