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Prostacyclin (PGI2 ) plays a role in cancer progression but the mechanism is currently poorly understood. Additionally, no data are available about the prognostic value of the PGI2 pathway in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) therapy. We evaluated the expression of the PGI2 pathway in HNSCC patients. PGI2 production and PGI synthase (PGIS) expression, in terms of mRNA (RT-PCR) and protein (immunoblotting), were lower in tumour samples than in non-tumoural mucosa, whereas, as expected, COX-2 expression was increased in HNSCC tumour samples. Using local control of the tumour after radiotherapy or chemoradiotherapy as a dependent variable, patients were classified into two categories of PGIS transcript levels. The high-PGIS group had a significantly lower frequency of local and distant failure than the low-PGIS group, and the 5-year cancer-specific survival was higher [90.2

作者:Mercedes, Camacho;Zenaida, Pi?eiro;Sonia, Alcolea;Jacinto, García;Josep, Balart;Ximena, Terra;Francesc-Xavier, Avilés-Jurado;Marta, Soler;Miquel, Quer;Xavier, León;Luis, Vila

来源:The Journal of pathology 2015 年 235卷 1期




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Mercedes, Camacho;Zenaida, Pi?eiro;Sonia, Alcolea;Jacinto, García;Josep, Balart;Ximena, Terra;Francesc-Xavier, Avilés-Jurado;Marta, Soler;Miquel, Quer;Xavier, León;Luis, Vila
The Journal of pathology 2015 年 235卷 1期
PGI2 endothelial cells head and neck cancer prostacyclin synthase radiotherapy
Prostacyclin (PGI2 ) plays a role in cancer progression but the mechanism is currently poorly understood. Additionally, no data are available about the prognostic value of the PGI2 pathway in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) therapy. We evaluated the expression of the PGI2 pathway in HNSCC patients. PGI2 production and PGI synthase (PGIS) expression, in terms of mRNA (RT-PCR) and protein (immunoblotting), were lower in tumour samples than in non-tumoural mucosa, whereas, as expected, COX-2 expression was increased in HNSCC tumour samples. Using local control of the tumour after radiotherapy or chemoradiotherapy as a dependent variable, patients were classified into two categories of PGIS transcript levels. The high-PGIS group had a significantly lower frequency of local and distant failure than the low-PGIS group, and the 5-year cancer-specific survival was higher [90.2