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The management of major renal trauma has shifted in the last decade in favor of a nonoperative approach. Our level 1 trauma center promotes this approach with the objective of renal function preservation. However, certain situations still require surgery. In this study we analyze predictors of surgery and long-term outcomes after conservative management.From January 2004 to March 2015 we prospectively collected data from all patients admitted to our institution for high grade blunt renal trauma (grades IV and V). Nonoperative management was considered successful when patients did not undergo surgical exploration, regardless of angioembolization or endoscopic treatment.Of 306 patients with renal trauma 151 presented with major injuries, including 124 grade IV and 27 grade V. Nonoperative management was successful in 110 (89

作者:Cecilia, Lanchon;Ga?lle, Fiard;Valentin, Arnoux;Jean-Luc, Descotes;Jean-Jacques, Rambeaud;Nicolas, Terrier;Bernard, Boillot;Caroline, Thuillier;Delphine, Poncet;Jean-Alexandre, Long

来源:The Journal of urology 2016 年 195卷 1期




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Cecilia, Lanchon;Ga?lle, Fiard;Valentin, Arnoux;Jean-Luc, Descotes;Jean-Jacques, Rambeaud;Nicolas, Terrier;Bernard, Boillot;Caroline, Thuillier;Delphine, Poncet;Jean-Alexandre, Long
The Journal of urology 2016 年 195卷 1期
embolization endoscopy kidney therapeutic wounds and injuries
The management of major renal trauma has shifted in the last decade in favor of a nonoperative approach. Our level 1 trauma center promotes this approach with the objective of renal function preservation. However, certain situations still require surgery. In this study we analyze predictors of surgery and long-term outcomes after conservative management.From January 2004 to March 2015 we prospectively collected data from all patients admitted to our institution for high grade blunt renal trauma (grades IV and V). Nonoperative management was considered successful when patients did not undergo surgical exploration, regardless of angioembolization or endoscopic treatment.Of 306 patients with renal trauma 151 presented with major injuries, including 124 grade IV and 27 grade V. Nonoperative management was successful in 110 (89