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Total elbow replacement is designed for the elbow joint articular surface damage and degenerative joint changes, but in recent years, it is widely used in the treatment of the distal humeral articular comminuted fracture in elderly patients. The purpose is to provide a stable, painless elbow joint with good functions. Total elbow replacement is a dififcult operation with its special surgical indications, requiring rich surgical experience. Even if the surgical technique is mature, there are still a lot of controversies in the surgical indication, prosthesis selection, surgical approach, condylar management and the disposal of the ulnar nerve. Based on the literature reviewed and the author’s experience, this paper analyzes some disputes. Although many scholars have conducted many prospective controlled studies, there are still some authors with different views, requiring prospective randomized controlled studies with a greater number of cases to clarify.


来源:中国骨与关节杂志 2016 年 5卷 4期




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中国骨与关节杂志 2016 年 5卷 4期
肘关节 肱骨骨折 肘关节假体 关节成形术,置换,肘 Elbow joint Humeral fractures Elbow prosthesis Arthroplasty,replacement,elbow
Total elbow replacement is designed for the elbow joint articular surface damage and degenerative joint changes, but in recent years, it is widely used in the treatment of the distal humeral articular comminuted fracture in elderly patients. The purpose is to provide a stable, painless elbow joint with good functions. Total elbow replacement is a dififcult operation with its special surgical indications, requiring rich surgical experience. Even if the surgical technique is mature, there are still a lot of controversies in the surgical indication, prosthesis selection, surgical approach, condylar management and the disposal of the ulnar nerve. Based on the literature reviewed and the author’s experience, this paper analyzes some disputes. Although many scholars have conducted many prospective controlled studies, there are still some authors with different views, requiring prospective randomized controlled studies with a greater number of cases to clarify.