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A 57-year-old male was admitted to hospital for severe headache and seizure attacks on November 6th,2016.After radiology and spinal fluid examination,he was diagnosed with viral encephalitis and treated with antiviral medicine,antibiotics and mannitol,but he was in sustained unconsciousness and weak in expectorating.The patient was given oxygen through artificial nasal after bedside tracheotomy.At 1:00 am on January 12th,2016,there was a sudden drop in blood pressure,heart rate and oxygen saturation with left lung breath sounds slightly lower than the other side.The patient was connected to a ventilator with tidal volume of 300-500 mL and airway pressure of 16-24 cmH2 O (1 cmH2 O =0.098 kPa).In the meanwhile,the left side sponge of artificial nasal was found missing.Bedside chest X-ray showed no significant atelectasis.At that time the evidence of airway foreign body aspiration was not sufficient,so no urgent bronchoscopy was performed.At 9:00 am on January 14th,2016,there was another sudden decline in oxyg


来源:北京大学学报(医学版) 2018 年 50卷 2期




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北京大学学报(医学版) 2018 年 50卷 2期
支气管 异物 气道阻塞 支气管镜检查 误吸 Bronchi Foreign bodies Airway obstruction Bronchoscopy Respiratory aspiration
A 57-year-old male was admitted to hospital for severe headache and seizure attacks on November 6th,2016.After radiology and spinal fluid examination,he was diagnosed with viral encephalitis and treated with antiviral medicine,antibiotics and mannitol,but he was in sustained unconsciousness and weak in expectorating.The patient was given oxygen through artificial nasal after bedside tracheotomy.At 1:00 am on January 12th,2016,there was a sudden drop in blood pressure,heart rate and oxygen saturation with left lung breath sounds slightly lower than the other side.The patient was connected to a ventilator with tidal volume of 300-500 mL and airway pressure of 16-24 cmH2 O (1 cmH2 O =0.098 kPa).In the meanwhile,the left side sponge of artificial nasal was found missing.Bedside chest X-ray showed no significant atelectasis.At that time the evidence of airway foreign body aspiration was not sufficient,so no urgent bronchoscopy was performed.At 9:00 am on January 14th,2016,there was another sudden decline in oxyg