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Objective:To observe the effect of applying human growth hormone during in vitro fertilization to patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)Methods:One hundred and twenty-one cycles of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer in PCOS patients with anovulation from Dec.2008 to Nov.2010 were studied retrospectively.Of these 121 cycles,48 were with treatment of growth hormone (GH group),73 without GH treatment (control group).The dose of gonadotropin (Gn),the number of retrieved oocytes,good-quality embryo rate,implantation rate,frozen embryo rate,and pregnancy rate were compared.Results:The dosage of Gn was slightly higher in GH group than that in control group (29.18±8.33 vs.23.43±8.68 ampoullas,4U/ampoulla) and the number of retrieved oocytes in GH group were slightly less than that in control group (10.73±6.0vs.14.0±8.57),but there were no significant differences (P>0.05).The good-quality embryo rate (59.1% vs.33.3%),frozen embryo rate (87.5% vs.58.9%),pregnancy rate (56.5% vs.35.3 % ) and

来源:生殖医学杂志 2011 年 20卷 z2期




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生殖医学杂志 2011 年 20卷 z2期
Human growth hormone Polycystic ovary syndrome Ovarian hyperstimulation Clinical pregnancy rate
Objective:To observe the effect of applying human growth hormone during in vitro fertilization to patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)Methods:One hundred and twenty-one cycles of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer in PCOS patients with anovulation from Dec.2008 to Nov.2010 were studied retrospectively.Of these 121 cycles,48 were with treatment of growth hormone (GH group),73 without GH treatment (control group).The dose of gonadotropin (Gn),the number of retrieved oocytes,good-quality embryo rate,implantation rate,frozen embryo rate,and pregnancy rate were compared.Results:The dosage of Gn was slightly higher in GH group than that in control group (29.18±8.33 vs.23.43±8.68 ampoullas,4U/ampoulla) and the number of retrieved oocytes in GH group were slightly less than that in control group (10.73±6.0vs.14.0±8.57),but there were no significant differences (P>0.05).The good-quality embryo rate (59.1% vs.33.3%),frozen embryo rate (87.5% vs.58.9%),pregnancy rate (56.5% vs.35.3 % ) and