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With the improvement of the instrument and development of the technique, the same curative effects can be achieved in modern percutaneous endoscopic spine surgery as in traditional open surgery in the treatment of lumbar disc herniation. And the occurrence rate of complications is obviously reduced. The percutaneous endoscopic technique can be performed via the interlaminar approach and the transforaminal approach. Lumbar spinal stenosis and joint bone cyst are effectively treated with percutaneous endoscopic spinal canal decompression. Good curative results will be obtained in percutaneous endoscopic cervical discectomy and cervical intervertebral foramen dissection via anterior and posterior approaches for cervical disc herniation, cervical foraminal stenosis and so on. With unique advantages and higher treatment effectiveness, the percutaneous endoscopic technique is also effective in the treatment of chronic cervical and lumbar pain.


来源:中国骨与关节杂志 2014 年 8期




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中国骨与关节杂志 2014 年 8期
Intervertebral disc displacement Diskectomy,percutaneous Nal diseases Surgical procedures Minimally invasive
With the improvement of the instrument and development of the technique, the same curative effects can be achieved in modern percutaneous endoscopic spine surgery as in traditional open surgery in the treatment of lumbar disc herniation. And the occurrence rate of complications is obviously reduced. The percutaneous endoscopic technique can be performed via the interlaminar approach and the transforaminal approach. Lumbar spinal stenosis and joint bone cyst are effectively treated with percutaneous endoscopic spinal canal decompression. Good curative results will be obtained in percutaneous endoscopic cervical discectomy and cervical intervertebral foramen dissection via anterior and posterior approaches for cervical disc herniation, cervical foraminal stenosis and so on. With unique advantages and higher treatment effectiveness, the percutaneous endoscopic technique is also effective in the treatment of chronic cervical and lumbar pain.