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Currently many controversies remain over aspects of surgical treatment in elderly people with adult degenerative scoliosis ( ADS ).The purpose of this article is to explore the characteristics of adult degenerative scoliosis and make reasonable treatment options based on surgical indications.Decision-making on the type of surgical regimens is indispensable to evaluate rationalities of all optional ones.Goals of treatment: relieving nerve compression,restoring coronal and sagittal balance,stabilizing the spine and preventing deformity deterioration.Recent studies focus on topics as follow: simple decompression or fusion,the range of fusion segments,proximal or distal junction kyphosis,surgical approach,spino-pelvic parameters or sagittal balance.Applications of new technologies,such like minimal invasive spinal surgery ( MISS ),bring new hopes for solving this problem satisfactorily.After comprehensive assessment of clinical manifestations and imaging features,individualized surgical plan should be designed


来源:中国骨与关节杂志 2015 年 4卷 5期




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中国骨与关节杂志 2015 年 4卷 5期
脊柱侧凸 脊柱融合术 外科手术,微创性 Scoliosis Spinal fusion Surgical procedures minimally invasive
Currently many controversies remain over aspects of surgical treatment in elderly people with adult degenerative scoliosis ( ADS ).The purpose of this article is to explore the characteristics of adult degenerative scoliosis and make reasonable treatment options based on surgical indications.Decision-making on the type of surgical regimens is indispensable to evaluate rationalities of all optional ones.Goals of treatment: relieving nerve compression,restoring coronal and sagittal balance,stabilizing the spine and preventing deformity deterioration.Recent studies focus on topics as follow: simple decompression or fusion,the range of fusion segments,proximal or distal junction kyphosis,surgical approach,spino-pelvic parameters or sagittal balance.Applications of new technologies,such like minimal invasive spinal surgery ( MISS ),bring new hopes for solving this problem satisfactorily.After comprehensive assessment of clinical manifestations and imaging features,individualized surgical plan should be designed