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Charcot arthropathy is a rare clinical disease, characterized by the damage of sensory, motor, and autonomic nerves, severe articular injuries, joint instability and osteoporosis. With the wide use of antibiotics, syphilis, the traditional main cause of Charcot joint disease has gradually decreased, whereas the cases of Charcot arthropathy caused by diabetes have gradually increased. Common treatments of Charcot joints include conservative treatment and total knee arthrodesis, but the effect is not satisfactory. Total knee arthroplasty was once considered as the strict contraindication to Charcot arthropathy and the clinical results vary in different researches. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the surgical indications and contraindications, perioperative management, prosthesis selection of total knee arthroplasty, key points of surgical techniques, therapeutic effects observation, advantages of total knee arthroplasty over conservative treatment and total knee arthrodesis, which illustrates the to


来源:中国骨与关节杂志 2017 年 6卷 12期




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中国骨与关节杂志 2017 年 6卷 12期
关节病,神经源性 关节成形术,置换,膝 膝关节 综述 Arthropathy neurogenic Arthroplasty replacement knee Knee joint Review
Charcot arthropathy is a rare clinical disease, characterized by the damage of sensory, motor, and autonomic nerves, severe articular injuries, joint instability and osteoporosis. With the wide use of antibiotics, syphilis, the traditional main cause of Charcot joint disease has gradually decreased, whereas the cases of Charcot arthropathy caused by diabetes have gradually increased. Common treatments of Charcot joints include conservative treatment and total knee arthrodesis, but the effect is not satisfactory. Total knee arthroplasty was once considered as the strict contraindication to Charcot arthropathy and the clinical results vary in different researches. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the surgical indications and contraindications, perioperative management, prosthesis selection of total knee arthroplasty, key points of surgical techniques, therapeutic effects observation, advantages of total knee arthroplasty over conservative treatment and total knee arthrodesis, which illustrates the to