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Background::Although the impact of tumor complexity on peri-operative outcomes has been well established using several nephrometry scoring systems, the impact of adherent perirenal fat remains poorly defined. This study aimed to develop a novel nephrometry scoring system for predicting the peri-operative outcomes of laparoscopic partial nephrectomy (LPN) by integrating and optimizing the RENAL score (RNS) and Mayo adhesive probability (MAP) score.Methods::We retrospectively evaluated 159 patients treated with retroperitoneal LPN. The patients’ demographic parameters, RNSs, and MAP scores were evaluated as potential predictors of perioperative outcomes, including operation time, estimated blood loss (EBL), and margin, ischemia, and complication (MIC) achievement rate. The independent predictors were used to develop a novel nephrometry scoring system. The predictive value and inter-observer agreement for the novel nephrometry scoring system were evaluated.Results::Tumor radius (R score), nearness to the renal

作者:Yang Bin;Ma Lu-Lin;Qiu Min;Xia Hai-Zhui;He Wei;Meng Tian-Yu;Lu Min;Lu Jian

来源:中华医学杂志英文版 2020 年 133卷 5期




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Yang Bin;Ma Lu-Lin;Qiu Min;Xia Hai-Zhui;He Wei;Meng Tian-Yu;Lu Min;Lu Jian
中华医学杂志英文版 2020 年 133卷 5期
Laparoscopy Nephrectomy RENAL score Mayo adhesive probability score Laparoscopy Nephrectomy RENAL score Mayo adhesive probability score
Background::Although the impact of tumor complexity on peri-operative outcomes has been well established using several nephrometry scoring systems, the impact of adherent perirenal fat remains poorly defined. This study aimed to develop a novel nephrometry scoring system for predicting the peri-operative outcomes of laparoscopic partial nephrectomy (LPN) by integrating and optimizing the RENAL score (RNS) and Mayo adhesive probability (MAP) score.Methods::We retrospectively evaluated 159 patients treated with retroperitoneal LPN. The patients’ demographic parameters, RNSs, and MAP scores were evaluated as potential predictors of perioperative outcomes, including operation time, estimated blood loss (EBL), and margin, ischemia, and complication (MIC) achievement rate. The independent predictors were used to develop a novel nephrometry scoring system. The predictive value and inter-observer agreement for the novel nephrometry scoring system were evaluated.Results::Tumor radius (R score), nearness to the renal